The Nursery

The Nursery comprises five main rooms, an outside covered play area and gardens, providing full day care for over 80 children. Our children also have access to our soft play room and sensory room with our pre-schoolers having access to the Craft Room, Adventure Playground and ICT suite. In addition to our full day-care, we also run Robins pre-school providing free child care for 3 hours per day, term time only.


Please choose from an option below

A Typical Day At Nursery

07.45 - Breakfast time - children can choose from a variety of cereals, toast, yoghA Typical Day At Nurseryurt and fruit juice.


08.30 - A wide range of stimulating, curriculum-based play activities is provided


10.00 - Free-flow to the garden and key group activities, whilst curriculum-based play continues


11.30 - Lunch time


12.30 - Most younger children have a nap after lunch, whilst older children have a variety of curriculum-based activities in which they can participate.


15.00 - Snack time


16.00 - Free-flow to the garden, combined with curriculum-based play activities


17.30 - Fruit time, followed by story/rhyme time


18.00 - Free play


18.30 - Nursery closes


This is a general routine. Each room has its own routine which reflects the age group and includes using the Garden, the sensory room and soft play.

Your child's first week

We have a free settling in procedure that normally consists of three days, although sometimes it is necessary for settling in to take a little longer.


Day one


09:30 - 11:00 - Provides the opportunity for parents/carers and children to form relationships with the staff and children and to see what sorts of activities their child will be doing. Parents are able to spend time in the Room observing how their child interacts with the other children and staff and can use the opportunity to ask any questions they may have. The Room Leader will run through the daily routine/planning systems and EYFS profile with and discuss any additional requirements/dietary needs/allergies the child may have.


Day Two


09:30 - 11:00 - Parents/carers leave the Room once their child is confident enough, but remain within Gingerbread Corner. This gives the child the opportunity to explore their environment and build their confidence at their own rate, and to spend time interacting and playing with the other children and with staff. Should the child become distressed, staff will ask the parent/carer to return to the Room.


Day Three


09.30 - 12:30. Once staff feel that the child has settled sufficiently and is happy, parents/carers normally may leave Gingerbread Corner, returning to collect their child after they have had their lunch, at 12.30 p.m. for Under 3s or 1 p.m. for pre- schoolers. Sometimes, it will be necessary however for parents/carers to remain within the building.

Key person & Observations

Key Person


All children are assigned a key person as they start at the nursery who is responsible for building the relationship between home and nursery. In particular they play an important part in supporting the family during the settling in process.




The key person will carry out observation of your child throughout the day and use these to develop individual learning experiences for them. These will be collected in a profile record which you can access at any time.


The key person will discuss your child's next steps, informally, on a regular basis in order to create a link between your home and nursery experiences.


For children aged 3 months to 2 years a daily record sheet is completed to ensure the information you need to know is readily available and for our pre-schoolers a daily record sheets is displayed on the rooms' door.

Parental involvement

Parental involvement


We encourage parents to be involved in all aspects of the nursery day but we understand that this is difficult when working full-time so we are happy for parents to telephone or write to us any time.

We involve parents in fund-raising activities and on outings with the children and hold parents evenings that provide the opportunity to discuss your child's progress with the key person and members of the team.


Parents' Evening


Parent evenings are held twice a year. This gives an opportunity for parents to come and discuss their child's development with the nursery staff team and for parents to look through their child's Early Years Foundation Stage Record folder and meet other parents.

Early Years Foundation Stage

The Early Years Foundation Stage was introduced by the government with an aim to ensure that all children receive the same provision from birth to five years old within every childcare setting.


The Early Years Foundation Stage joins together; Birth to Three Matters, the Foundation Stage and the National Standards for Day Care & Childminding.


The overarching aim of the EYFS is to help young children achieve the five every child matters outcomes of staying safe, being healthy, enjoying and achieving, making a positive contribution and achieving economic well-being by:


  • Setting the standards - ensuring that every child makes progress and that no child gets left behind
  • Providing for equality of opportunity - ensuring that every child is being included and not disadvantaged because of ethnicity, culture or religion, home language, family background, learning difficulties or disabilities, gender or ability
  • Creating the framework for parents working - between parents and professionals and between all the settings that the child attends
  • Improving quality and consistency - ending the distinction between care and learning in the existing frameworks, and providing the basis for the inspection and regulation regime laying a secure foundation for future learning - through learning and development that is planned around the individual needs and interests of the child, and informed by the use of ongoing observational assessment


It describes how early years practitioners should work with children and their families to support their development and learning. As well as, how your child should be kept safe and cared for and how all concerned can make sure that your child achieves the most that they can in their earliest years of life. It is based on four important principles and commitments.


Theme: A Unique Child

Principle: Every child is a competent learner from birth who can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.


Theme: Positive Relationships

Principle: Children learn to be strong and independent from a base of loving and secure relationships with parents and/or a key person.


Theme: Enabling Environments

Principle: The environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children's development and learning.


Theme: Learning And Development

Principle: Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and all areas of Learning and Development are equally important and interconnected.

Education provision

Our overarching play theme is that children need to explore, need approval, praise and encouragement to gain motivation for learning. All rooms work within themes which change every 6 weeks. All rooms do weekly planning.


The pre-school curriculum is divided into six areas of learning and development which are equally important, connected and underpinned by the above Principles of the EYFS (From Early Learning Goals, produced by DfE). Learning is best achieved through active play that is based on children's individual needs and interests.


  • Personal, social and emotional development - critical for very young children in all aspects of their lives. It is a prerequisite for their success in all other areas of learning.
  • Communication, language and literacy - speaking and listening to different situations and for different purposes, reading a range of simple texts and writing for a variety of purposes.
  • Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy - this area of learning includes counting, sorting, matching, seeking patterns and working with numbers, shapes, spaces and measures.
  • Knowledge and understanding of the world - develop skills, knowledge and understanding that help children make sense of the world. This forms the later work in science, history, geography, design and technology and information and communication technology.
  • Physical development - develop confidence and control of the way they move and the way they handle tools and equipment.
  • Creative development - art, dance, role play and imaginative play.
  • Being creative enables children to make connections between one area of learning and another, and so extend their understanding.


None of these areas of learning and development can be delivered in isolation from the others. They are equally important and depend on each other to support a rounded approach to child development. All the areas must be delivered through planned, purposeful play, with a balance of adult-led and child-initiated activities.


We would like parents to bear in mind that every child develops in their own way, and there may be big differences from child to child. Some will learn certain skills faster than other children of the same age, whereas other things may take longer.


Our staff are trained to identify the needs of the children and develop the child's individual learning around these needs. They will regularly observe the children at play and identify what the children are doing and what they are interested in. From these observations, staff will decide what the next step for learning would be for that child and plan activities to extend that child's development.

Nursery Records & Data Protection

Nursery Records


Developmental profiles are completed twice a year, of which you will receive a copy. Your child's file consists of, an admission form, correspondence to or from you or regarding you or your child.


Data Protection

  • Personal data will be processed fairly and lawfully
  • Data shall be obtained for specified purposes
  • Data shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive
  • Data shall be accurate and up to date
  • It shall not be kept for longer than necessary of the purpose
  • Data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of the data subject
  • Appropriate technical or organisational measures shall be taken against unlawful use